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May 08, 2012


Sébastien Roux

Seems interesting, is or will this tool be available to the essbase community?
I'm sure you had a look at rightlog or jrightlog utilities available on google code hosting, hoping they inspired you...


I have previously taken a peek at rightlog, and looked again this morning. 'Ouroboros' is a ruby re-implementation of a Perl script that Rohit Amarnath provided me which I understand to be soemthing reverse-engineered from an Essbase outline. From that code, I left in a concept that I don't really use which is a method to reduce the number of Essbase codes to consider. But much more of the system is managed on the Essbase side of things. Rightlog offers more control and embedded options and appears to me to be more suited as a standalone tool, no doubt owing to its ability to provide lookups for transaction codes.

It is very likely that as our product strategy matures in this and the next quarter, Full360 will host a number of Ruby projects open-sourced to Github and Sourceforge. I expect that will include, at long last, my hand-built ETL.

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