I've been thinking about 45 seconds about a tool I sure would like to have as an add-in to my browser. You could probably use it too. On the off chance that somebody is Googling, here's the idea for what it's worth.
If you're an apps programmer like me, you probably sit around and watch a lot of slow queries return through a series of thin clients on an intranet. And since most corporations who pay for guys like us know very little in IT about handling web scale applications, more often than not that sitting around is generally more than a minute. Wouldn't it be nice to have a little button that says, watch the request to this process until it finishes then give me an alarm?
Who doesn't get sick of this kind of stuff? So what I is to click the button, which minimizes the offending window and then prepares to return control, optionally with a timer and a choice of alerts. Yeah. That would be really cool.
Consider this little scrap from Fiddler.
While the http is waiting to finish, and deliver a nice 200 return code, we get a 304. And then the big dump of 618kb for the report when it's done. So the observables are observable to various code that's out there. It can be done.