Back in the summer of 1988, I went on vacation to Mexico with the woman who, unbeknown to me at the time, would eventually become the Spousal Unit. We hung out with a lot of folks from Texas, which was something of a surprise. it was my first vacation to Puerto Vallarta, and I had some strange notion that only Californians went anywhere in Mexico besides Cancun. Well, one of the couples we hung out with was in some business whose details I forget. But our better halves both complained that it seemed like pulling teeth to get us away from work for a holiday. He explained that the toughest thing about being lead dog in a company was going to bed worrying if you were going to be able to meet payroll. I never forgot that.
Fast forward to a couple months ago. My company did payroll through Wells Fargo. Somehow Wells got involved with Intuit and then they did payroll. We decided to switch to ADP - the experts. Or so it seemed. Last pay period, they engaged when they weren't supposed to - so all of our employees got their paycheck doubled. This month was supposed to be their first payroll. Guess what? Nothing. All of their systems are down today, and none of the direct deposits went through.
We have been told that this doesn't just affect our company, but everybody that ADP services. Lovely. Here's to you ADP. Get it right please.